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Diet culture is our systems, cultural values, and beliefs that value thinness and elevate thinness above all else. It gives a message that thinness equals virtue and is based on white supremacy and anti-fat bias. It equates your value and your worth with being thin. It causes people to try to control and manage their bodies to meet this thin ideal beauty standard. “Diet Culture is a system of beliefs and practices that elevates thin bodies above all others, often interpreting thinness as a sign of both health and virtue. It mandates weight loss as a way of increasing social status, strengthening character, and accessing thin privilege.” - What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat by Aubrey Gordon I recommend a few books for dismantling your own internalized diet culture messaging.
Is diet culture a cult? Are diets culty? A friend of mine told me about this podcast, A Little Bit Culty. She was saying how she thought diets are actually a cult. It got me thinking and googling. I was checking out the Boyd Cult Scale and found a lot of similarities. There are 10 factors:
When I first had this shift and healed, I had all of this peace and ease, and I didn't even know what to do with myself. I started creating playlists. I dove into learning how to become an Intuitive Eating Certified Professional. I ultimately created this business, and I'm now writing a book. I have had a lot more energy for my love life, adventures, sex, and pleasure in my life. I take time for fun and have so much more joy in my life. There are so many things I missed out on. Now I travel, cautiously, of course, during the pandemic, but it has freed me up to do so much in my life, and I am much more fulfilled. Email me if you have questions or if you need support at [email protected]. If you're spending a lot of your mental and emotional energy on this, feel like you're stuck in the cult of diet culture, and you want to break free, I can help.
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Download your free hunger scale now!The first step to healing your relationship with food is reconnecting with the signals your body gives you. One of the ways to do that is by checking in with your hunger before you eat. Here's my spin on the traditional hunger scale..
September 2022